Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Here is an update on Knit for Paris...

A huge thank you to my aunt Evelyn! With her beautiful contribution of kids hats the tally is up to 12...

Thank you, Thank you!

good times

This past weekend we had Isaac, Jacob and Grandpa come from Albuquerque for a visit. We had a great time going to a Rockies Baseball game, going to the movies and just plain swinging in the hammock.

So fun to see the cousins!

Monday, June 16, 2008


Having come from a very imaginative group of kids growing up and making up games to keep us entertained ... the infamous rock smashers...
I was tickled to hear that Ryan and Cole had made one up of their own.
It's called stomping and the rules are...

Get your rubber boots
Fill them to the top with water from the hose
Step into them
and see how fast you can run around the backyard in them.
Hours of entertainment and very amusing to watch.

Happy imagining new games with your kids.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Don't you ever wonder how two kids from the exact same family turn out so different? The other day I made Ryan and Cole macaroni ("mac and roni" as Cole would say it) for lunch. Ryan took a few bites and said she needed to add something to it. I said she could add whatever she wanted...within reason, as long as she ate it. She went to the fridge and added capers, stirred it around and tasted.. "much better" she stated and ate the entire bowl. On the other hand we still cannot convince Cole that the dried blueberries that he loves and eats almost every day are the same as fresh blueberries. He still won't eat one to this day.

and yes...those are limes she loves.
go figure.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

the big park

Last week our friend's little guy had his birthday party at the amusement park downtown. This was Ryan's second time but Cole's first time on the rides. It was so fun to watch their faces...they both loved it.
So Fun...happy birthday Zach!