Wednesday, December 31, 2008


has been good to us.

Welcome 2009!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

happy happy happy Christmas!

Is it Christmas yet?

Lucky boy...Cole won a 5 foot stocking filled with gifts from an Ace Hardware name drawing. The kids choose to each pick one thing and donate the rest.

A walk through the Trail of Lights at our Botanic Gardens.

Christmas Eve...after the little one were in bed.

Nema's amazing "Christmas" sweaters.

May you be filled with peace, love and laughter.
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

a week in december

Just a few highlights from the week...
It has been cold and snowy in Denver. My darling five your old has become almost completely independent when choosing what to wear (except when mom has to step in and force something). Her new sense of style consists of layers and more layers. Stripes, tights with just about everything and leg warmers. We are bringing leg warmers back. I am now making a second pair because she loves these so much.I adore her choices. She inspires me.

Shoveling with's only the 2nd or 3rd time we have had to shovel so the novelty hasn't worn off yet. They really do try and help - it's quite sweet.

And chocolate mustaches from the countless cups of hot chocolate made this week.
It's amazing how the little things make your heart happy.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

little me

hey ma...who does this remind you of?