Thursday, December 25, 2008

happy happy happy Christmas!

Is it Christmas yet?

Lucky boy...Cole won a 5 foot stocking filled with gifts from an Ace Hardware name drawing. The kids choose to each pick one thing and donate the rest.

A walk through the Trail of Lights at our Botanic Gardens.

Christmas Eve...after the little one were in bed.

Nema's amazing "Christmas" sweaters.

May you be filled with peace, love and laughter.
Merry Christmas!


Liz said...

Merry Christmas Bustos Family! We were so happy to find updated pics on here. You are good, I have no time to update. WE missed you guys this year. Give everyone hugs and kisses! Love, The Hoeksemas

marjory said...

Happy Christmas my Denver sweeties! Loved hearing about and seeing pictures of your Christmas. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. Missed you and love you lots! Mom