Monday, December 28, 2009

happy and...

walking in lights

so grateful


completely in love with my family

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

We have the best neighbors ever!

Next door we have a family that watches Ryan and Cole during those few days there is an over lap with Jeff and Me. Their son and daughter walk Ryan home from school and their daughter occasionally babysits for us. Also thier grandma lives next door to them (to which she insists our kids call her their brown grandma) And on top of all that they throw the best parties...
Yesterday the kids were invited over for the holiday party where brown grandma and her husband dressed up for the kids.

Ryan was a bit shy and coolly knew who Santa was.

Cole on the other hand was smitten!

We are really so lucky to have such great families in our neighborhood.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

More lights

A few weeks ago we braved the cold weather (it was 9 degrees by the time we made it out) to venture out to see the lights.
The botanic gardens does such a good job and it has been a family tradition. It really was so cold, but with hot chocolate, warm mittens and excited kids we made it through. It is one my favorite parts of the holidays.

Happy Happy Christmas lights.

Friday, December 11, 2009

proud mama

The kids have been in swim lessons at a pool down the street from our house on and off for 2 years now. Ryan has always been and natural and loves the water. Cole needed a little more time to feel comfortable...but as you can see they have both made tremendous strides! It is so fun to watch them grow.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

passing it on...

Putting up the Christmas tree this year was all Ryan and Cole. This is the first year that Jeff and I could sit back with a glass of wine and watch our children decorate with twinkle toes and starry eyes.
Cole was actually pulling out ornament out of the box saying "I remember this one!"
And Ryan strategically hung the stocking so that hers was next to her daddy's.
All the things Jeff and I have done for so many years.
My heart was full that night...and still remains.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

crazy hair day

need I say more.

happy happy thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

piling up

I now have received hats and mittens for my whole class! I am now working on hats for our buddy kindergarten class. I am planning on handing out the wonderful warm goodies just before Christmas break...that gives you knitters a few more weeks!
thank you thank you...
mom, always
Emily, and steuben's knitters
Jai and the knitting group
thank you

and speaking of knitting - in between hats I have been working on a wrap for myself. It has been on (and off and on again) my needles fow quite sometime now and am happy, so happy to have a finished product.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

just "busy" having fun

I realize I haven't have time to update the blog in a while. I think it was about 2 years ago I remember having a conversation with Jeff about how busy life got all of a sudden. It had made a noticeable jump in pace. And now I think we are just figuring out that that is just how it is...and it's not slowing down anytime soon!
So instead of using the excuse that "it's just too busy" I am trying to appreciate the down time and savor it a bit. The day I think we have masted is Sundays. It is the only day off the family has together and we are trying to make the most of them...even if that means NOT doing anything.
Here is a glimpse of the last few Sundays.

being silly

a botanic gardens walk

Today was sledding and hot chocolate without any photos!
Happy Sunday.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fall Break

This past week was my fall break. I had the entire week off to parents visiting,a trip to the pumpkin patch, a 2 foot snow storm, 2 snow days for the kids, 2 Halloween parties at school and Halloween.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Still in love

Jeff and I still often make the comment "This is why we moved to this house." Well, this is one of those times. Sometimes the huge poplar, couple of maples and dozen of aspens seems to be a daunting task in the fall. The job is just a less daunting when listening to squeals and watching this scene.
Happy raking and jumping...happy fall.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dear Izzy and Ollie

Here is a goodnight book for you.
Love Ryan and Cole

Goodnight, sleep tight.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

a week in photos

the zoo

Ryan's school carnival

our block party

and a Rockies baseball game.

As Jeff would say..."This is a week you judge all other weeks by."