Sunday, November 15, 2009

just "busy" having fun

I realize I haven't have time to update the blog in a while. I think it was about 2 years ago I remember having a conversation with Jeff about how busy life got all of a sudden. It had made a noticeable jump in pace. And now I think we are just figuring out that that is just how it is...and it's not slowing down anytime soon!
So instead of using the excuse that "it's just too busy" I am trying to appreciate the down time and savor it a bit. The day I think we have masted is Sundays. It is the only day off the family has together and we are trying to make the most of them...even if that means NOT doing anything.
Here is a glimpse of the last few Sundays.

being silly

a botanic gardens walk

Today was sledding and hot chocolate without any photos!
Happy Sunday.

1 comment:

marjory said...

And learning new "knock knock" jokes to surprise Papa with over the phone! Delightful.