Wednesday, July 29, 2009

One last time

The family took a quick last camping trip before the summer is over for me. I go back to school tomorrow. What an amazing summer it has been. Great trips, family visits, two wrist surgeries, and a lot of pool time.
Happy rest of the summer to you all!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


One of my favorite things to do in the morning is walk around the garden with the family and my cup of coffee and discover what is ready to be picked. Today we got our first Dragon Tongue beans, compliments of Troy Gardens (thanks Jake and Kat).

Now let's hope Cole eats them!

What a peaceful way to spend the first waking moments of the day.
Happy Gardening.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Beautiful Day...

for a hike in Rocky Mountain National Park,

and a picnic lunch.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I don't know where to start...

We just got back from an unbelievable 2 weeks in Michigan. Our adventures filled me up with the things that are most precious to me.



The Lake

A date night in Chicago

And of course ice cream.

We loved every minute.
Thanks for having us.