Thursday, July 9, 2009

I don't know where to start...

We just got back from an unbelievable 2 weeks in Michigan. Our adventures filled me up with the things that are most precious to me.



The Lake

A date night in Chicago

And of course ice cream.

We loved every minute.
Thanks for having us.


marjory said...

Come back anytime. What great photos! Enjoy the rest of your summer; make the days go by slowly and relax. Miss you and love you!

Liz said...

Thanks for coming and spending time with us. Izzy misses her cousins very much. We will definitely have to do skype very soon.

Michael Anderson said...

hi jordan,
i love checking out your pictures! your family is so lovely. i can't believe how grown up ryan and cole look, they're beautiful.

i was wondering how you make that cool collage that you have at the beginning of this post? if you would share the secret i'd most appreciate it! thanks.

krista (kat's sister)