Wednesday, July 22, 2009


One of my favorite things to do in the morning is walk around the garden with the family and my cup of coffee and discover what is ready to be picked. Today we got our first Dragon Tongue beans, compliments of Troy Gardens (thanks Jake and Kat).

Now let's hope Cole eats them!

What a peaceful way to spend the first waking moments of the day.
Happy Gardening.


marjory said...

How adorable your little farmers are! And good for you for teaching them so well where their food comes from. Looks like the storm didn't demolish everything! Love you!!

Liz said...

I love the farmer hats and the beans. Those are really cool looking. I hope they taste as good as they look. I can't imagine that Cole would turn down a food that is called "Dragon Tongue", it sounds way too interesting. Happy tasting!