Ryan is very nervous to start first grade in a new school tomorrow. I have no doubt that she will be just fine before the week is over. I have seen my little girl grow so fast over the summer. She amazes me everyday.
Last week was back to school night for her. So Cole, Ryan and I made the 5 minute walk to our neighborhood school for a sneak peak and to meet Ryan's teacher. She had her nervous laugh the whole way there and continued with her shy quiet voice once we were there...right?...Ryan quiet and shy! When we got to her room she looked around for a bit but then the kids were whisked away to the cafeteria for a movie while the teacher had time to talk to us adults. On the walk home I had so much to tell Ryan because she didn't hear any of what her year was going to be like.
"Ryan, you get to be scientists this year. You are going to study animals and have some in your classroom."
"Wow, that's cool...what kind of animals?
"I am not sure." (not wanting to ruin the excitement for her later)
"I hope it won't be elephants, or something."
Once she figured out how silly that sounded we giggled the whole way home.