Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1st day and no tears...

were the titles of the two photos Jeff sent to me this week. It was the first day of first grade on Monday for Ryan and Cole's first day in preschool was yesterday. They are excited, exhausted and full of stories. Such a wonderful yet challenging transition.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

nervous nelly

Ryan is very nervous to start first grade in a new school tomorrow. I have no doubt that she will be just fine before the week is over. I have seen my little girl grow so fast over the summer. She amazes me everyday.

Last week was back to school night for her. So Cole, Ryan and I made the 5 minute walk to our neighborhood school for a sneak peak and to meet Ryan's teacher. She had her nervous laugh the whole way there and continued with her shy quiet voice once we were there...right?...Ryan quiet and shy! When we got to her room she looked around for a bit but then the kids were whisked away to the cafeteria for a movie while the teacher had time to talk to us adults. On the walk home I had so much to tell Ryan because she didn't hear any of what her year was going to be like.

"Ryan, you get to be scientists this year. You are going to study animals and have some in your classroom."

"Wow, that's cool...what kind of animals?

"I am not sure." (not wanting to ruin the excitement for her later)

"I hope it won't be elephants, or something."

Once she figured out how silly that sounded we giggled the whole way home.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

my dear boy

Cole runs into our bedrooms, swings open the closet and pulls out the scale.

Standing on it he demands my attention.

"Mama, how much am I?"

"You are 39 pounds," I say.

"YES! (with a fist pump) I am almost like you guys!"

My dear sweet boy. How much I love you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

weekend in the woods

:: with great friends

:: exploring adventures

:: marshing mellows (as Cole would say it)

:: and the traditional wild flower bouquet

Sunday, August 2, 2009

2nd annual Knit for Paris

I am calling on all knitters again this year. Last year's Knit for Paris was such a success, I would love to try and out-do ourselves!
Last year we got over 30 hats and 5 scarfs...every student in my 3rd grade class as well as our kindergarten buddy class received a new hat to wear. They all wore them proudly and I expect to see the colorful heads around this year as well. I would love to have enough hats to again give to my students as well as our buddy class. The result would mean 4 full classrooms at my school would have warm and beautiful hats for the winter.
Again, the hats don't have to be fancy or made with expensive yarn, just made love. So if you find yourself wanting to knit but don't have a project yet, knit a hat, send it my way and I will find it a home.
Thank you again, and I am excited to see what the 2nd Annual Knit for Paris brings!
With all my love and appreciation,