Tuesday, February 23, 2010

what 5 looks like

Now that Cole is 5 and 1 day old - here is a glimpse into his world...

he continues to love dinosaurs - he looks for any dinosaur book he has not yet seen at the library everytime we go and most of his pajamas have various dinosaurs covering them which are the most picked to wear and most coveted. A new found love this Christmas was Legos. This boy will sit in the kitchen at the table for hours to work on his new creation. He loves to follow the directions and is very focused.

and of course he still adores his sister...
(a card from Ryan to Cole for his birthday)
To Cole, happy birthday Cole .from Ryan B.
I hope that you have a good birthday.
I hope that you have a good time with your friends.
Save me some cake.
Love Ryan B.

this boy of mine

"I would like chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting with m&m's!"
Boy after my own heart.

Happy birthday my sweet boy.
Our baby is 5 today.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

new olympic event

music - The Phenomenal Hand Clap Band

Sunday, February 14, 2010

getting our feet wet

first family practice...

We are getting ready for our first hut trip to Walter's Cabin this Spring break!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

my sweets

It has been on my mind that my little girl is turning 7 in a few weeks.7...it just doesn't seem like that little bright brown eyed baby girl is now my curious and inspiring little girl.
Ryan amazes me everyday. She is shaping into this wonderful and beautiful girl. It is so fun and amazing to see those glimpses of what her future holds. We have always called Ryan strong willed and that has stayed true. She has a real sense of herself and what she thinks (good and bad). I always want my little girl to fight for what she wants - just not with her mom all of the time! The more she grows, the more she is her daddy's girl. She has a love for food. Almost daily either Jeff or I comment on how she is so very much like him based on what she chooses to eat. She cooks, tries everything and has incredible fun in the kitchen.

She is also turning into quite the swimmer like her dad. It is a love of hers that I can see already. She is and always has been very comfortable in the water.
So as much as everyone says that Ryan looks so much like me...all I see is her dad.

I am so eager for her to grow, change and learn...I just wish she would slow it down a bit. I say this as she is actually reading this over my shoulder!
Jeff and I are so proud of our little girl - our almost 7 year old little girl and who she is growing up to be.

please excuse Jeff...it was Vesta Dipping Grill's 6th annual mustache festival last night. An amazing party, great mustaches and beautiful generosity... all donations benefiting the Make a Wish Foundation.