Now that Cole is 5 and 1 day old - here is a glimpse into his world...
he continues to love dinosaurs - he looks for any dinosaur book he has not yet seen at the library everytime we go and most of his pajamas have various dinosaurs covering them which are the most picked to wear and most coveted. A new found love this Christmas was Legos. This boy will sit in the kitchen at the table for hours to work on his new creation. He loves to follow the directions and is very focused.
and of course he still adores his sister...
(a card from Ryan to Cole for his birthday)
To Cole, happy birthday Cole .from Ryan B.
I hope that you have a good birthday.
I hope that you have a good time with your friends.
Save me some cake.
Love Ryan B.
So impressed with Ryan's birthday card for Cole! Happy birthday, sweet boy! Enjoy the dinosaurs and legos
That is the SWEETEST thing i have ever seen!
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