Saturday, June 19, 2010

our red dawg

Ryan played in her last T ball game yesterday. The team has a few more games...but we will be out of town.
What a difference it has been from last to this year. She was not all that excited about playing T ball again but convinced her to try it out one more year and then we would see. Driving home from her game yesterday I asked her the big question -"Do you think you want to play again next year (with the same team)?" Not only did she answer yes but she was excited about it! She has been with the same team and coach for 2 years and will move up with the team to coach pitch next year. It was a great nail bitter to end our season with...a 22-24 win over the lady bugs.

Go Red Dawgs!

1 comment:

Liz said...

She looks just like her Papa underneath that catcher's outfit.