Monday, March 14, 2011

still recovering...

from a wonderfully busy, daylight savings birthday sleepover and swim day. It was so much fun celebrating my beautiful 8 year old girl this weekend. I still can't believe she is 8 and am sure I will continue to utter those words every year on her day.
She had 2 girlfriends spend the night on Saturday followed by a swim afternoon on Sunday and of course cake! The celebration was fun, not that crazy busy, but still exhausting!

We have all gone to bed just a bit earlier tonight and last but still have smiles on our faces remembering the joy on our little girl's face.


marjory said...

Happy, happy birthday, sweet Ryan! Love you, love you, love you

Liz said...

YEAH! What an adorable 8 year old! Sounds like you guys had an incredibly busy and fun birthday weekend! Love you Ryan!