Sunday, October 16, 2011

trying new things

We have always encouraged Ryan and Cole to try new things and expose them to any activity that they are interested in. Sometimes we wonder if they will like it...stick with it or end up complaining which results in "dragging" then to lessons. Our house rule is that you can try anything, but you don't quit if you find out you don't really like it. You have to try your best and finish. This fall the kids pick two new activities they had never tried and soccer. Jeff and I were so proud of their determination and eagerness to try something new. Ryan's tennis is now over and when I asked her if she would play again her answer was an enthusiastic "yes!" Excited to see what they will want to do next!


Ms. Hoeksema said...

I love that 1st picture of Cole. He looks like he's totally absorbing the experience of soccer.

Liz said...

Uncle Markie is proud of both choices! Ryan better bring a racket with her next summer!!!