Wednesday, November 2, 2011

fall break

I cannot begin to describe how wonderful it was to have my parents here for my fall break for a visit. We "packed it in" with many activities throughout the week. It started with beautiful weather which allowed for bike rides to various parks and to the library.

 We enjoyed a train ride starting in Georgetown and making our way to Silver Plume just missing the peak colors of the Aspens in the high country.

 And there were many many games/magic tricks to be played in the back porch where we could follow the patches of sun throughout the day.
Thank you thank you thank you for making the long trip here and thank you for coming.
Love you!


marjory said...

Thanks for having us! Do you now need a vacation from your vacation? We certainly did pack it all in, didn't we! Love you,love you

Liz said...

Cute pics! Wish we could have been there! Jordan-I want to see a picture of your new hair!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! Glad you had a great visit.