Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cole's pick

Before leaving for San Diego everyone picked one activity they really wanted to do.
Cole's pick... Legoland!
Day 1 - It could not have been better weather, about 65-70 and partly sunny. And there were no the most we have to wait 5 minutes for a ride. It was also the kids first experience on a "roller coaster". Cole just made the 48 inch cut off and we needed to puff up his hair a bit too!

They each got their drivers licenses.

All Legos!

Harry and Hagrid

 I think the kids were running on pure adrenaline. Jeff and I are still talking about watching the kids' faces feeling overwhelmingly lucky to be able to do this for them. What a fantastic day from start to finish.


marjory said...

A time they will remember forever! Miss you, miss you!

Anonymous said...

Yay summer! Sounds like a great trip to start the summer off well. Enjoy your time with your fam!