Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ryan's pick

Day 2...Seaworld!
 We woke up that morning to a little song by Ryan..."I am going to feed and touch a dolphin today!" Pure excitement and glee.

Again, a great sunny day with little to no crowds. And Ryan's song came to fruition first thing. It brought tears to my eyes to see a passion and dream of Ry's come true. Again, another amazing and special day for our family...including another "real" roller coaster as Cole would say. Again standing as tall as he possibly could Cole just made the height requirement to ride the newest ride, the Mantaray. The first time on it Jeff said their was drool all of the way down his shirt followed by "Let's do that AGAIN!" We discovered Cole's loves for roller coasters. We saw a few shows...including Shamu. And ended the day with a family water ride that left us all drenched and smiling.

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