Monday, February 25, 2013

he is 8...

Cole had his birthday this weekend , on the 23rd. It's hard to believe our boy is 8. 
The night before I was putting  him to bed and with a bit of sadness in my voice I told him how I was saying goodnight to him as a seven year old and he would wake up an eight year old. With his sweet loving voice he took my face in his hands and said, "Don't worry mama, I will be be the same boy...I'll  be a little stronger, taller and smarter, but I'll be the same boy!" Oh how I love this child of mine...

this silly, fun, loving child of mine. I have a feeling we are in for treat with 8! Happy Birthday sweet boy.

Monday, February 18, 2013

eat my bubbles

There were a few pre-swim meet jitters this time around but those quickly went away after her first race. Ryan had 3 events on Saturday and 4 on Sunday. She did amazing! She improved her own times on every race...her daddy and I are so proud of our little girl. 

 Back stroke is still her favorite...getting 3rd in her heat and she even beat her "dreaded" butterfly time by 10 seconds.
Not being  a swimmer myself, it's really fun to part of the swimming community. Super fun to watch and cheer on our little Jeffco Hurricane.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Taking our goofs out for Sunday mornings with the family!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

new park

A beautiful blue skied day to take a walk and check out the new playground just put in by our house..

Feels so good to get outside in the sunshine!