Monday, February 18, 2013

eat my bubbles

There were a few pre-swim meet jitters this time around but those quickly went away after her first race. Ryan had 3 events on Saturday and 4 on Sunday. She did amazing! She improved her own times on every race...her daddy and I are so proud of our little girl. 

 Back stroke is still her favorite...getting 3rd in her heat and she even beat her "dreaded" butterfly time by 10 seconds.
Not being  a swimmer myself, it's really fun to part of the swimming community. Super fun to watch and cheer on our little Jeffco Hurricane.


Liz said...

Way to go Ryan! Can't wait to swim with you this summer!! You will beat me for sure!

Anonymous said...

So awesome! Congrats Ryan!

EvelynBernard said...

Did you know that Oma was once the backstroke champion in Holland?

lucy's knits said...

I did! It's in her blood.