Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

We are in finally in the new house. We are slowly but surely settling in and we all love it! Cole is in a "big boy" bed now and seemed to adjust just fine. We are almost out of boxes and took some time off from unpacking to carve pumpkins and go trick-or-treating at Ryan's school. This year we have a dinosaur and a ballerina. The ballerina was a last attempt to convince Ryan not to be a princess again this year and Cole seems to transform with his costume on...he speaks in growl!

More pictures of the new house to come.


marjory said...

Happy Hallowe'en, Ryan and Cole. I am so looking forward to hearing all about your dress up adventures at school and in the new neighborhood. Love Nema

Evelyn said...

Great costumes! We had Tinkerbell, Cinderella, Obi-Wan, a goalie and the Grim Reaper this year. Tons of fun and a good haul. Looking forward to pictures of the new house - love Evelyn