Sunday, October 21, 2007

I said snow wasn't far behind!

This morning, we woke up to snow! We already have a few inches and the mountains are getting hammered with feet. The kids are very excited and couldn't wait to go throw snowballs. Yea!


marjory said...

How fabulous to have snow already! It is 70 here today. Hope for lots of snow when you come during the holidays. Sleds are ready!

Love Mom

Evelyn said...

Amazing to see snow - we are basking in short sleeve weather here - I can barely drag Oscar, Max and Tali inside! Lots of love - Evelyn

Evelyn Eefie said...

hi Jordan,what a good idea,this bloq.Now I can see your children in this way .They are still beautiful ,even more.
Have fun in the snow as long as it will last.

luanne Voss said...

Jordan this is such a great idea! Your mom always fills me on on what's happening for you and your family, but I love that I'll be able to check out your blog. Can't wait to see pictures of your new home!
Love, Lu