Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Who needs toys?

Now that the toys are all packed up the kids are being very creative in entertaining themselves. Yesterday I found the kids "swimming" in the bathroom sink. Today the last of the toys went into boxes...but who needs toys when you have a mountain of bubble rap?


Evelyn said...

Oh my goodness - you could lick those babies - they are so tasty! Will you be able to take some time off after the move to get the house in order? Love Evelyn

marjory said...

Today's technology makes it possible to be a long distance nema; will they come up with a way that I can also hug them! Loved the video. Go Rockies!! Love Mom

Kristin said...

I'm glad you're blogging, Jordy- I think it's a great way to keep in touch and I will visit often! We'll miss you this weekend . . .

Michelle said...

Congrats on the new house!!!! I will miss the "old" one. Tell the kids Auntie Shell loves and misses them. I hope the move is easy and short. Talk you soon.

I love you all,