Thursday, March 26, 2009

snow day...

We have about a foot of snow and another foot on the way.
(correction: we got another 6 inches...and a second snow day!)

The morning started with dinosaur pancakes (made with the fabulous dinosaur cookie cutters Cole gave me for a birthday gift).
Followed by snugly books, beautiful drawings and a little bit of knitting.
Now onto hot chocolate...

...still in our pajamas.
wonderful snow day!


marjory said...

Cozy and lovely and a pyjama day! How lucky to have a snow day just before spring break...hope you get another one tomorrow.

Liz said...

I think it is so funny that you were enjoying the spring weather and then you are hit with huge snowstorm. I was thinking of you all as I saw that on the news, glad that you at least got some snow days out of a later winter blast.

Sutter Family said...

WOW, that's a lot of snow. Kind of nice that you had a good excuse to spend the day in jammies!