Sunday, March 1, 2009

you're going to hollywood!

One of Ryan and Cole's favorite things to do is audition for American Idol right now. They require judges and spend time practicing before they are ready. Introducing the future superstars...


marjory said...

Even Simon would have to agree that Ryan and Cole would make it through to Hollywood! Good job. I loved the auditions!

Liz said...

I hear that your mom is getting Izzy in on this American Idol craze as well... Too cute, it made for a great mid-afternoon laugh. haha

Liz said...

Upon further review, the judging contingency from Michigan has declared, that both of you eligible for the monkey pants of the year award! Uncle Markie

luanne Voss said...

I actually gasped as I watched your little Ryan...she is you only about 25 years ago! I still remember you, Kate and Micah performing:
"Walkin' down the streets with your hands in your pockets"